

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Greek Seaman / Jacqueline Howett

Genre: Suspense/Literary Fiction

Approximate word count: 55-60,000 words

Availability Kindle: YES    Nook: YES    DTB: NO


Born and educated in London, England, author Jacqueline Howett now lives in the US. She is also a painter (some of her work can be viewed on her blog) and previously published a short story, The Secret Passion of Twins, and a book of poetry, Amorphous Angelic, both are available for your Kindle.  For more information visit her blog.


An eighteen year-old newlywed finds herself on a romantic adventure when she goes to sea with her sailor husband on a large cargo ship. However, the ship owner and captain have plans that could disrupt her wedded bliss.

Only Tues., Weds., Thurs., Site-Wide Red Alert Sale from Midnight to 3AM!


If you read The Greek Seaman from the start until you click next page for the last time I think you’ll find the story compelling and interesting. The culture shock felt by the newlywed bride, Katy, who finds herself far from her native England, living on a cargo ship with her seaman husband Don is a good story in itself. Katy adapting to this all male environment with a crew of mixed nationality, most non-English speaking, is compelling. Whether Katy and Don will survive the criminal conspiracies the ship owner and captain have planned is yet another conflict that should keep a reader in suspense to the end.

However, odds of making that final click are slim. One reason is the spelling and grammar errors, which come so quickly that, especially in the first several chapters, it’s difficult to get into the book without being jarred back to reality as you attempt unraveling what the author meant. At times, you’ll be engrossed in the story when you’ll run across a flowery description of the emotions Katy is feeling about her situation or her husband. These are numerous and sometimes very good. Chances are one of these sections originally pulled you so deeply into Katy’s world. Then you’ll run into one that doesn’t work and get derailed again. Reading shouldn’t be that hard.

Wolfgang's Vault - Deal of the Week

Format/Typo Issues:

Numerous proofing, typo, and grammar issues.

Rating: ** Two stars

WOW logo 125x125


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Anonymous said...

Nutty is as nutty does.

Anonymous said...

As a reader (wish I could write but am hopelessly untalented) I appreciate reviews which mention poor syntax, spelling, grammar, etc. It can be the most enthralling story in the world but more than one error per page simply ruins it for me - I cannot rise above the carelessness. Maybe I shouldn't be so picky, but I've found there are many wonderful self-published works by authors who are not only talented but able to edit (or be edited). I will spend my money on their works, not someone who is too vain to be self-critical. Perhaps an anger management course would be in order for this "author".

Anonymous said...

Dear Selene Coulter,

Here here. The dogpiling is outright malicious. Allow the poor woman to tend to her wounds.

Anonymous said...

At least her "F*** off" comments are spelled correctly. None of the rest of them are. I think that tells us something very informative about where exactly on the scale of literacy the "author" falls, which is about the same place that sucking Cheez Whiz out of a can falls on the scale of fine dining. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Selene wrote a humane post. I agree with her so okay, everyone. Enough. She messed up and she knows it now so let's back off. Wish her well. She has learned something, or not. More is mean.

Anonymous said...

Aww, it's so nice that Judith Griggs found something else to do with herself after the whole Cooks Source debacle.

Melissa said...

Yikes! I'll take a BIG pass on this author.

Anonymous said...

Is Ms. Howett a strong writer? From what I've seen here, the answer is "no." However, the public has already clearly indicated that they don't care about quality of writing. The indie writer who penned this incomprehensible gem:

"The only consent hinge in life is that everyhin is changing. And that's a little scary, but it means that hints can't be bad or hard forever."

... just got a $2 million deal from St. Martin's. If this is the bar to which indie writers are held, it makes no sense to crucify one who meets this new "industry standard."

I would strongly counsel Ms. Howett to not stir this pot anymore than necessary at this juncture, just for the sake of her own writing career. In this business, most of your success is in showing up (marketing yourself). Market yourself well.

Anonymous said...

The dogpiling is getting rather nasty.

Anonymous said...

Just got hold of this through FB.

This thread should be used as a future lesson to all authors out there on how not to conduct yourself publicly.


Unknown said...

@ Chris Truscott--O.M.G. (about reviewing her own book)

She is the second writer I have found doing this on Amazon. In the last 7 DAYS! My word. Authors. Writers. NEVER. EVER. review YOUR OWN WORK! EVER! You WILL lose ALL credibility from other reviewers, authors AND Readers! Believe it!

Good gravy night!

Anonymous said...


I might have read this book, had the author not thrown a fit in a public forum.

I will never read and/or purchase anything by Jacqueline Howett.

GunMetalBlue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stormi said...

Wow, this author needs to take a major chill pill and accept that not everyone is going to like her book. Some of my favorite books have received 2 or 3 star ratings, everyone has their own oppinion on a book. Its very unproffesional and even if it is a good book the author is turning a lot of people, myself included away from even attempting the book because of her childish behavior about a bad rating. :(

The Swivet said...

I think that at this point it would smart to close the comments thread for this post. (Just a suggestion.) Attacking the writer is no better than the writer attacking the reviewer.

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

I just went to her website:

I suggest you check it out to see what you think of her grammar and writing.

Mike Cane said...

>>>Never ever respond to a bad review. Everyone's going to get them from time to time, but ignore them.


Now a story. Back in the 1970s, when I was a naive teen, I published a fanzine. In my naivete, I thought it was pretty good. I sent it off to a zine that reviewed zines. My zine set a world record by getting ZERO out of one-to-five stars. I could have cried or ranted. Instead, I learned to DO BETTER. That's what a review should spur a creator to do. Crying about being told you made crap is a waste of time. No one sets out to make crap. Crap happens for any number of reasons. You don't know it's crap until someone else sees it. But if you don't want to hear you've made crap, well, prepare to keep failing. And then that part is all on *you*.

Anonymous said...

This has to be a joke, a wind up? Or sadly, symptomatic of the state of modern publishing. The self publishing explosion has led to any Tom, Dick or Harriet putting out a badly written, unedited pile of doggy doo, get their best mates to post glowing five star reviews then call themselves published authors. You are not published authors, you are people who had their scribblings printed at their own expence.
There are many wonderful self published books of course, written by talented people who work hard honing their craft, get professional editing and accept criticism with good grace.
This woman is none of the above...if she is real, of course !

Anonymous said...

*NOTE to self*

Do NOT review this author's work. Ever.

I wonder how it is that you authors don't seem to understand that when you b*tch and moan, no one wants to read your stuff. YOU MAKE YOURSELF LOOK WORSE!!

The reviewer in this case was the professional. The author was not.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some people have the humanity to know when to stop.

Anonymous said...

There's no excuse for poor grammar and spelling people!

Simon said...

Ouch, i found this tweeted by an author, I'm a musician, still studying but there are so many parallels here. If i were to release al album that got a review at all i would be so happy about it, if i felt comments made were unjust i would find a more private way of communicating with the reviewer to ask why they feel that way and improve from it. This is the magic of creative criticism. If a person just took a fit at every bad review they get, or even one, the world judges them, when you are putting yourself in the public eye you need to make yourself seem friendly and appealing. Either way, i shall not be buying this book and founf the comments page hilarious

Anonymous said...

Wow, did she really drop the F-bomb? Does she attack all reviewers in that manner? If so, how does she still have readers? No matter how angry an author gets, that response is unacceptable.She was absolutely, completely unprofessional.
--Karra P.

Leah Petersen said...

Congrats, Al, for picking this author to review and for your professionalism in response to her attacks. I'd love to see you post in a few days and tell us how many new blog/Twitter/Facebook followers you get out of this.

You got me. This is the most fun I've had all day.

Steph from said...

We all have the right to free speech.
We forget, however, that we have the right to remain silent as well.

I was very fortunate in that a hard review I gave got, not anger, but thanks from a very polite and gracious author.

The lines between Indie and Self-pub are becoming
blurred. Because of incidents like this and books I have agreed to look at, not review, I ask for references or prior knowledge/acquaintance. While I have run into some terrific self-pubbed things, I have had many more that took my time for no good reason. Some pieces are not taken on by mainstream publishing because they don't fit a certain model and some aren't taken on because they are ill-conceived and poorly written.

I have to think, by the way that this author has another language spoken in her home, or was raised in a home where another language was spoken. The habit of reversing subject and object is the mark of a Romance language. I could be wrong, that is just my guess.

Stick to your guns, we review for the followers not the writers.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Jacqueline is a real person. No way. This is a hoax, yes?

Anonymous said...

Epic. Career. Fail!

However, I did get a good laugh, so thanks for that!

Stand by your review Al.

That Neil Guy said...

The sad part is that it's really a pretty positive review. #sigh

ryan said...

Is this well done link bait? Seriously, it's hard to believe that someone could be so out of touch with reality. If the author is fictional, well done Al, if not I hope someone is there to support her as she continues to unravel.

Anonymous said...

At first I laughed. At first I almost wanted to read the book to see what it was like. Now I feel sorry for the author as she quite clearly has some issues, and because she has almost certainly destroyed her chances of a career in writing. Mainly because of her rudeness, but also because she lacks writing skill. The story could be the best one I've ever read, but with all the errors in the examples of her book AND in her posts they would irritate me so much it would spoil my enjoyment of the story.

Anonymous said...

Jacky - Get a good stiff drink, get a shrink, get to your writing, get an editor, get a pen name then get a life.

Chloe said...

I'm co-editor of a book blog, and if we post negative reviews, we don't ever get abusive comments from the authors berating us. They realise it is our opinion, and when you put a book out into the public arena, as you do when you become published, you have to have a certain expectation that not everyone will like what you write. Often, we get emails thanking us for the constructive criticism, but this author has embarrassed not only herself but her publishing house and agent(?) too with her behaviour here. You'd be surprised how long these things will hang around and dent your reputation, and I expect when the anger has subsided, she will regret every post she has made and feel quite foolish indeed.

Network Geek said...


Follow the link to Ms. Howett's Blogger profile and you can see her blog. The writing there is very much like the examples given and her comments. I'm far from a language expert, but, in spite of her claims to be English, her writing reads to me like the author speaks English as a non-native speaker.

Well, perhaps the old dictum that there's no such thing as bad publicity will hold true for her.

Unknown said...

I thought your review and your responses were very courteous and professional, Al. You didn't attack the author or anything like that. Some people just want to hear how amazing they are and never want to actually improve themselves or their work. At least she's only hurting herself, and only helping promote your blog.

Anonymous said...





As an above poster said, don't give crediblity to self-pub by calling it indie. They are two radically different concepts, and cannot be lumped together.

This, is self-published.

It was NOT good enough for traditional publishing.

Case and point. "

The phrase is "case in point," and it doesn't mean what you evidently think it means.

Sorry to nitpick like that, but Howett's behavior in this thread and most of the pro-indie/pro-self-pub comments in this thread haven't done much to make me feel more secure about reading indie or self-published works. Howett is obviously freaking out in a most unprofessional way, and the pro-self-pub/indie faction is riddling this thread with desperate comments designed to make people give indie a chance. That also looks unprofessional. They're also making comments plagued by errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, etc. that doubtless show in their product.

In my experience as an open-minded reader who really wanted to give the non-traditional publishing world a fair shake, authors who choose to self-publish or to go "indie" tend to have poor grasp of grammar, plot, character, and even simple commonly used phrases. The above is no exception!

If there is a real difference between "indie" and "self-pub," please tell me what it is. Because it seems from where I sit that "indie" is just the latest buzzword people are using to try to warm up readers to their poor writing that hasn't proven good enough yet to be picked up by a traditional publisher.

I'm sure there are some exceptions out there, but in a few years of curious reading I haven't come across any yet. That could be just coincidence. Maybe there is a lot of great "indie" fiction out there and I haven't figured out how to find it. Or maybe it really is that people feel they don't have to be so careful if they're publishing indie or self-publishing.

If your only definition of the difference between the two, Anonymous, is that one pays attention to the craft and the other doesn't, then that's a fairly flimsy line in the sand, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yes -- I agree with Selene Coulter. Ms. Howett's behavior was rather crummy, but I imagine she's having a terrible day today. Sorry, Jacqueline. Hope you're coping okay.

Anonymous said...

@ Selene Coulter

>>It's why people are posting as anonymous. Because then they don't need to show humility or a modicum of compassion.<<<

Well. No. I'm posting as Anonymous for the same reason I don't give my business card to somebody talking to space aliens on the street corner. A woman who shouts obscenities in a public forum is fully capable of rounding up a posse and posting one-star reviews on my books just to 'pay me back'.

On a public blog, all posters need to be polite -- even to impolite people.

That's it. Total requirement.

Posters may be moved to hand out 'Internet Understanding', 'Internet Forgiveness', 'Internet Niceness', and 'Internet Compassion' (trademark).
Or not.

People speaking the truth are frequently not 'nice'. Truth trumps 'nice' right down the line.

Emily said...

Al, leave this review up. You did a great job and you were very fair in your criticism.

The author is the one with the issue. If she can't take criticism, she shouldn't be writing. And the fit she threw is just ridiculous, like a child. She'll never get any new readers with that attitude.

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Howett is the new Rebecca Black.

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

And my day was really slow until I read this. This is great!!. Haven't giggled this much in a long time. Thanks for the entertaining read.
By the way, I won't be reading this book.

Anonymous said...

@Chris Truscott - yep, reviewing her own books (plural) on Amazon.


Laura said...

BigAl really isn't wrong, Miss Howett. I started reading the 20% sample of your story through the link you so maturely posted with your rant to see why you were kicking up such a stink, and quite honestly he is far more tolerant and tactful about your writing than I would be.

The opening few sentences alone sound clunky and your dialogue doesn't flow like proper speech either. Plus there's a typo as early as page two thanks to that missing apostrophe - or are you going to vehemently deny that there is anything wrong with, "Were going to eat out and see a movie after," like you did with the other sentences?

Plenty of people rip Stephenie Meyer's writing to shreds, but at least the woman knows how to keep her mouth shut in the face of criticism. Good luck with your writing career after this. No wonder you didn't have a proof-reader: anyone who tried you no doubt threw a tantrum for.

Self-Therapy Expert (Not really) said...

Five stars to Big Al for not backing down. As for Jacqueline Howett, I blow my nose at you.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious self-destruction!
I do wonder whether Ms Howett is actually 15 and only pretending to be an adult. If her books really are the "result of years of writing in a number of different occupations", as suggested by the review of her other book, then I can only assume that she was sacked from all of them. This review, incidentally, has a suspiciously familiar 'voice' and I strongly suspect was another bit of self publishing by the (and I shudder to use the term here) "author".
My advice: before you even sign up for any writing courses, invest in a copy of "Grammar for Dummies". In the nicest possible way, you really do need it.
I'm also staying anonymous because I can do without the histrionics

Anonymous said...

I'm betting Al is going to freak when he sees how many comments this one little review has attracted. *s* I actually feel sorry for the author, namely because she is blithely unaware of her bad writing, her bad attitude, and all the bad publicity this is getting for her.

KrispyLove said...

Oh dear.

She has her own Youtube channel and reads from her works in the same faltering manner as her writing.

Anonymous said...

Your beyond sad. Someone is allowed to not like your book

Foolish Me said...

Perhaps the proper definition of "Indie" should be: One who publishes without the aid of any sort of publisher.

Perhaps the proper definition of "Self-Published" should be: One who publishes with the aid of a pay-to-publish company.

Those are, anyway, my definitions.

As for Jacqueline Howett, I am simply appalled by her reaction. Then again, I tend to believe that all authors, of any ilk, are more professional than she's proven to be.

Cookie’s Mom said...

Hey Al. Nice blog! You are braver than I. I only review books that I like, so no one ever gets mad at me.

I love that this one thread has made one person famous and another infamous.

Holy train wreck, JH.

Mariya said...

I think this is a big reason why I don't do self-published authors. Everyone is untitled to their own opnion, if they don't like you book, so what? Not everyone will like every book published. The author handled this immaturely 8(

Pegs said...

WOW! This is the way to get your name out there... but, is this how you want people to KNOW YOUR NAME? Not for your book but because you cuss people out that disagree with you and argue with reviewers! UNPROFESSIONAL... this cannot be your finest hour!

By the way, I received this link off Facebook -so, if your objective of being nasty was to get viewers --you got them... but not for your book! Just to watch the trainwreck of your writing career! What a shame!

Books for Company said...

Please keep this review up. EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and you have actually said a few nice things about this. l wouldn't get past the first page if there were spelling and grammar problems (lots of them) l think it shows a very rushed and unfinished book. Also unprofessional. And the author has show how UNPROFESSIONAL from these comments.
We as bloggers ARE NOT professional! We DON'T get paid!!

Anonymous said...

I want to see this girl on Oprah.

Elinor of Kentdale said...

Selene Coulter: I think you've got it absolutely right. The author's behaviour was embarrassingly awful, but standing there pointing and laughing is not going to help her or anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Actually Ms Howlett you attitude has enraged me no end. People early on in this comment thread give you some good worthy advice and you throw it in their face. You need to grow up and accept the fact you aren't Sylvia Plath. Hell, you aren't even a journalist for the Daily Mail. Hell, you shouldn't even be allowed to write with that attitude.

Struggling authors considering self publishing (such as I) have been damaged in the extreme by your childish, selfish and frankly disgusting behaviour.

I hope you are proud of yourself, and your book falls into the obscurity it no doubt deserves.

Anonymous said...

This is precisely why I love publishers, despite the fact that I don't even have one yet. Thank the heavens there are those with more educated eyes than my own to keep em from publishing work with these same mistakes. A well written review Al. I am so so very sorry you have taken this road of destructive defense Jacqueline. this is sincerely tragic. I only hope your reputation can recover from this very active and very public display of toddler-like temperament.

Chrissy said...

A quick note: when a phrase is "coined" in common language, it is in flux. ALL language is in flux. Terms and words in culture shift and change.

DIRECT publishing is now considered "indie." It may share the term with others, but there is NOTHING those others can do about it.

I have a doctorate. I am a language forensics specialist. I know what I am talking about.

Those who first "coined" the phrase are simply the first to use it in a specific way. It's not like planting a flag. Language has no pink slip.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can get the sample from Kindle and make their own judgements.
I thought Al was being very kind after reading it.

Anonymous said...

Some of the art I saw on her blog is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

Oh wow. Life's lessons can be painful, but unfolding publicly even moreso. This is like an author's equivalent train wreck to that of Danny Bonaduce's reality TV show years ago.

I hope this author will learn as she grows and maybe it won't hold her back so much. I understand that it's tough to swallow that your work isn't perfect, but that's what reviews and feedback are for, improving for your next book! Take from the advice what you can, if it's nothing, you must still thank your reviewer for taking the time to read it.

If you ever want to grow a fan base, it won't happen by publicly insulting a reader.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jacqueline for adding one further hurdle to the already difficult and often "nearly-impossible" course we un-published authors must take. you have now given publishers everywhere one more reason to be weary of new authors. You likely can not comprehend the damage you have caused...

Theresa said...

Oh my. The only thing I have to say is this:

Ninety percent of the books that I review on my blog are written by self-published or "indie" authors and NEVER have I had any of them act in this manner! PLEASE do not let this author's bad behavior influence your opinion of the many wonderful writers out there.

Anonymous said...

I have just read the comment by the author starting with: "My writing is fine.

In that short comment, you have confused "there" with "their," "You're" with "Your," numerous punctuation mistakes and spelt "disgusting" wrongly.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Howett,
Any possible chance of me reviewing this book just went down the toilet.

MsTanith said...

Good lord, if I ever get published and need a bit of publicity this is certainly the way to get it!

With a rapier wit that can so swiftly repost "fuck off" in such an eloquent - nay stunning! - way I have incredibly high hopes for every word published under her name.

Excuse me, I'm off to buy 16 copies...

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, those sample sentences were absurd and I would have put your book down. Give Al some credit for fortitude!

Anonymous said...

"Jacqueline Howett is the new Rebecca Black."

Except that more people than not think Rebecca Black is the next BIG THANG in music. She'll likely get a record deal.

Maggie said...

Hi, Al --

Just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful review, and offer another word of support in the face of Teh Crazy.

If I ever finish the novel I'm working on at the moment, I'd be honored if you'd review it. Thanks for being the voice of reason.

Judy Astley said...

I haven't read the book so can't comment on it. But there are highly critical people on here who can't even spell 'definitely'. So maybe stop throwing so many 'Anonymous' stones?

amy said...

There are only two reviews on One with 2 stars, Al. One with 5 stars, the author...

Sorry crazy lady, but until someone else reads and reviews your book I'm sticking with the 2 star review. That, and the fact that your sample sentences were appalling and I would never have made it through a chapter of that ilk.

Patti Wigington said...

There's a part of me shaking my head at this whole thing, and thinking Ms Howett has really made the case for reviewers who choose not to review self-pubbed books.

On the flip side, there's a part of me thanking her for her bad behavior, because it serves as a spectacular guideline on how not to act when you get a bad review.

BlogSloth said...

Man, the internet. Now I'm feeling bad for the author. But go Big Al. This is all funny, but a tad sad. I mean maybe the author was off her coffee? Her worst day ever? Who knows? Fucking internet.

Lesson: Don't answer reviews. Write. OK. Write. Then move on.

click here said...

Oh dear. This review has made its way to Dublin, Ireland, by way of Twitter; and way beyond the world of writing/publishing.

Although, having read (almost) all the way through the comments, I am starting to feel some pangs of sympathy for Jacqueline Howett and her ill-advised outbursts.

My advice - take a good, long break from the internet, and reflect on trying to rebuild some bridges (if possible) and a modicum of your dignity.

@ BigAl - Many thanks for your work!

j_d_hastings said...

I'm just glad she didn't misspell "seaman"

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. I... I don't think I even have words for this. Absolutely unbelievable. Such unprofessional behaviour - but oh boy did it make my morning that much funnier. Al, you're awesome. Miss Howett... perhaps social etiquette lessons are in order?

Maria said...

Wow. I cannot believe the author can be so unprofessional.

I'm the author of more than 70 books and have had my share of unfair reviews -- which I somehow doubt this was. I would never dream of attacking a reviewer like this, in public, on his own blog! This author is not only unprofessional, but stupid.

Thanks for the review and the interesting look at an amateur author's handling of an unfavorable review. I'll avoid all of her writing; she doesn't deserve to sell her work to the reading public.

Chompa said...

Congrats Al. I think this ridiculous behavior (courtesy of the author) has put you well on your way to blogging/reviewing fame.

Alex said...

And this is why I love the internet.

Anonymous said...

"I have no horse in this race due largely to the fact that you, Jacqueline Howett, and others like you, have long since turned me off to indies forever."

Despite the hilarity, the above comment makes me extremely sad. It's people like you, Howett, who give us all a bad name. And because you've effectively made being an indie author look like a joke, I wish you nothing but bitter failure in your future publishing endeavors.

Anonymous said...

"Jacqueline Howett is the new Rebecca Black."

False. Rebecca Black is a teenage girl who is taking a lot of abuse from thousands of people who will never have to face her without responding to any of them, as far as I know.

Howett is a grown woman who cannot take criticism, as far as the comments on this blog can attest.

I'm going to have to agree with the sentiment that the comments on this thread should be closed. A few constructive things are being posted, but we're at the point where it's mostly people making fun or saying the same things over and over. (Like "I might've bought this book, but the author's attitude changed my mind!")

Anonymous said...

I'm concerned that Ms. Howett is unstable quite obviously. This sort of reaction is just not a mark of mental health. Given that assumption, I fear she may be in need of some friends and family around her while this thing flies through cyber space. After my initial amusement, I'm now a bit worried for her.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've not seen such bad behavior from an author since Pedestrian Wolves; and he had 2 excuses.
1 - his first book.
2 - he's naturally an ass.
Jacqueline Howett has pretty much delved below James L Grant's level of pettiness. He was simply giving as good as he got and he kept it at Amazon. He certainly didn't stalk anyone to their blog and his next 5 books have been excellent reads and successful because he did learn from the reviews of the first.
This? I think his wife and family would have disowned him if he'd behaved this way.
What's on the web will always stay on the web.
Jackie: I hope you return here and reread until you learn to never do this again.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to note that, as an agent actively looking for clients who has the manuscript of some of the posters here, I have been turned off from all of you. Furthering this discussion is as unprofessional as beginning it.

gargirl said...

Wow. A bad review would not have put me off but this author's temper tantrum certainly has. I am stunned.

Anonymous said...

Can I come in for a gloat? "Oh you heartless gloater!!!"

LadFromExmouthEstate said...

Well, that was both undignified and unnecessary! Entertaining though, and kudos for standing by your review.

Anonymous said...

I am reading the free sample. I am only on page 2 and can't believe the audacity of the author. I am studying at university and I would get slated if I handed this in.

I am English, but i'm afraid that doesn't exclude your grammar, punctuation and general use of the english language.


Lets eat, Grandma. or Lets eat Grandma.

Anonymous said...

How to go from a mild review to career suicide in one internet page, by Jacqueline Howett.

Anonymous said...

Guys--guys--listen to yourselves!

I know someone who committed suicide over online comments like this. Please, Al, if you have compassion in you, please, please, please--close this thread!

Rich said...

Well that certainly made for a chortle-full train ride home. The saddest part? Her blog now has more hits than mine ever will.

Perhaps she's totally misunderstood and it was all her autocorrect's fault? Godspeed Jaqueline Howett!

Elizabeth said...

Dear Anonymous and others who might now be scared off from indie presses:
Please oh please oh please, don't reject the indies out of hand because of this. If you check out what presses like Featherproof, Dzanc, Akashic and Other Voices are doing you will know that from a literary standpoint they are competetive with any of the big houses. These and many many more are legitimate, thoroughly professional publishing houses and what they print in no way compares to the book in question here.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing, I was sent here from Twitter. Skipped the review and jumped straight on to read the comments - hilarious. What a PR fail. Doesn't the author know how unforgiving the internet is?

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt this is the best link I've followed today (or even this past weekend). WOW! Telling me that it's wrong to revel in this story won't stop me. Hilarious and sad at the same time.

Terry Spear said...

I've often heard that controversy sells also, but this is just too unreal! :)

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Howett —
Exposed like an ocean crag
Her caustic rupture

BooksAndPals said...

I believe it is time to take the advice of those who feel comments should be closed here. Everything that needs to be said should have been said by now. Many times.

Anonymous said...

This is virally awesome!

- Jacqueline Howett -

A name we will definitely not soon forget. Not for that super-cool book, but for the idiot she made herself out to be. Chances are this review would have been done and over if she hadn't stepped in with her Chewbacca-like growls of protests. I have grammatical errors in my writings but you know what -- I am not an author.

Jacqueline Howett - you have gone viral with your idiocy! Please don't go silent on us now! We are looking forward to more of your wit and jovial banter.

Damn, Charlie Sheen is a better author!

Nicola said...

Anyone know what this "ball" is she keeps going on about? Is she looking for the marbles that got loose from her head?

Anonymous said...

Ah, I made it to the bottom, and there go the concern trolls. Fun times.

pamcl said...

Indie now equals self-pubbing. People can protest all they like, but most people publishing independently are referring to themselves as Indies. Barry Eisler and Joe Konrath among them, formerly traditional pubbed who opted to go the Indie route.

Doesn't really matter though, no one cares except other writers. Readers just care if the book and story are good.

Sadly, this review was actually a very positive review, praising the story.

I have to wonder what this poor woman was thinking though to go so nutty like this. Not a good idea.

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