

Author's FAQ

This page discusses various things authors might be interested in Books and Pals doing along with our general policy on these.

Book Reviews

Refer to our Submitting a Book for Review page for detailed instructions.

Guest Posts

We’re always willing to consider guest posts from authors on subjects of interest to readers. Click “Guest Posts” in the list of labels on the right hand side of the page to see previous guest posts to get an idea of the kinds of things we’ve accepted in the past. Send query to BooksAndPals (at) Yahoo (dot) com if interested.

Author Interviews

Books and Pals does not currently do author interviews. However, our sister site, The Indie View, does. Visit this page for details.

Blog Tours

We participate in a limited number of blog tours, either scheduling a book review, guest post, or both, in conjunction with the tour. As a general  rule, we’re more open to participation if we’re familiar with the author.

Special Promotions

We’ll sometimes agree to posting about special promotions, giveaways, etc, although rarely except in conjunction with a blog tour. Those times we agree to do this outside of a blog tour are almost always going to involve multiple authors. However, individual authors can participate in our Free, Free, Free promotions discussed below.

Advertising on Books and Pals

You'll see a small number of ads on some of our pages most of which have a link just below them saying "your ad could be here right now." If you're interested in advertising on our site, clicking that link will take you to the website for Project Wonderful, where you can get all the details of how it works.