

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Times, They Are A-Changin'

You'll notice a few subtle changes to the format of the review today. 

In the Availability section we are now using the term "Paper" rather than the ambiguous "DTB" which stands for Dead Tree Book.  Although commonly used and understood by those immersed in the world of eBooks and eReaders, that leaves out many eReader owners as well as the people who really need to understand what it means, someone who might be interested in the book, but prefers a paper version.  If the book is available in a paper version it will indicate this with a "YES" which will also link to the paper version in the Amazon store.

The Availabilty section also has a small note added as a reminder that clicking a "YES" above will take you to the appropriate page in the appropriate store.  (Clicking the book image at the top of the page will also deliver you to the page for the Kindle version in the Amazon store.)  This is in response to some who indicated that they didn't realize there were links to these pages.

Last, the most signifiant change is in the addition of the "Reviewed By" line near the top.  You'll note that up to now, despite the blog being called "BigAl's Books And Pals," that there was no sign of the "Pals."  With the recent influx of new readers and books submitted for review consideration the long anticipated Pals are critical.  Over the next weeks you'll see subtle changes, the most significant being additional voices on these pages.  But you can expect these new voices to continue our fair and balanced reviews to assist you in making your book purchasing decisions.


Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Al, if I volunteer to be a "Pal" does that exclude me from submitting my novel for a review when it's released in May?(I'm thinking ethics and possible conflict of interest?)

Also I wouldn't be able to do many book reviews, but I could manage one a month? You can see how I review books by clicking on the BOOK REVIEW tag in the sidebar on my blog, but writing, not reviewing is the main focus of my blog.

If you want to take further you can email me at otherwise just ignore! :)

Judy (South Africa)

WyzWmn© said...


I like knowing who is actually doing the reviewing

Unknown said...


Thanks for answering my question about DTB before I could ask (though I keep forgetting to email said question to you....)


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