

Friday, September 16, 2011

Feral Heat / Elizabeth Black

Reviewed by: Jess

Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance

Approximate word count: 20-25,000 words

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Elizabeth Black lives in Massachusetts with her family and pets. She has written a vast multitude of erotic novels and short stories. Her personal interests include spending time on the beach, reading and watching horror movies. There are six places on the web to find more about Black. Links to all are located on her blog.


Even though she’s working all the jobs that come her way via the stage employees union, Amelia finds herself strapped for cash during an aggravating divorce from her creepy, balding ex-husband. He also threatens to sue her for custody of their child as added manipulation when she rents a room to her buff co-worker Grant Newman. Grant’s occasional moodiness and disappearing acts with his best friend Sam were always easily overlooked prior to his arrival. Sharing the same roof (among other things) makes Amelia realize her feelings for him are more than casual as her intrigue and concern for him grow.


I’ve read my share of erotic literature by a wide variety of writers and for the most part have enjoyed it for what it was intended. This being said I felt this book was rather flat. The dialogue was choppy and the transitions to the juicy scenes weren’t very smooth either. There could have been a substantial amount of suspense added to the storyline and characters lacked, well… character. Lacking the believability factor, I couldn’t immerse myself into the story enough to enjoy it.


Sexual themes include bisexuality, light bondage and sex with not quite humans.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: ** Two Stars


Jean Joachim Books said...

This sounds like a great premise to me. Intriguing, actually. I like the idea of the theater and the hunky moving in, disappearing...I want to know more. Perhaps unlike you I wouldn't expect Gone With the Wind in 25,000 words. But if it's spicy, I'm going to check it out.

Cassandre Dayne said...

I have to disagree with your assessment. As an erotic writer and reader in the erotic genre and also someone who guides new writers as they hone their craft I look for creative books that not only bend the mind but stimulate the palate and Ms. Black's books are no exception. She's able to combine a touch of horror with her passion and each scene is richly developed. I look forward to each one of her releases and will continue to be a fan of her work. Feral Heat was no exception. Thank you Ms. Black for such an exciting read.

Elizabeth Black said...

Thanks for the review. I wish it were better. :) While I don't agree with your assessment of my book, I do believe your review was fair and even-handed. Maybe in the future you'll read another one of my books - one of my longer works like the one just released. Thanks for the review and enjoy your weekend.

An Open Book said...

Interesting that you stated you've read your fair share of erotic writings and this was the only one listed in your blog archive. After reading your review, I took it upon myself to see what other erotic genre writings you've reviewed- I saw none. The romance genre as a whole, yes, you have plenty of those but none classified as erotic.

As both a multi-published erotic romance and contemporary romance author, USA TODAY contributing writer, online web content sex advice writer- I find the erotic sub -genre as an intriguing category to conquer. Having read hundreds of erotic and romance novels for review myself, I have had some that fall 'flat', as you indicated. That being said, I would have to disagree with this particular review. Feral Heat has the intensity and plot every erotic romance reader thrives for. I also found the character dynamics to be well-rounded and justifiably entertaining.

As for the "juicy" scenes you claim were aloof and missing, every good author must leave a bite for the reader's imagination.

Every person/reviewer is entitled to their opinion and the above is mine.

Maybe a few more erotic romance novels under the proverbial reviewers belt is necessary to get the 'real feel' for the best possible review and opinion.

TreSart L.Sioux said...

I've never been disappointed by any of her books. This one is on my list to read. I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much as her other creations.

BooksAndPals said...

Thanks everyone for your comments.

I wanted to respond to a few points in the comment from An Open Book.

As you say, every reviewer is entitled to their opinion. The book that everyone has the same opinion on doesn't exist.

However, I think you made at least a couple faulty assumptions or I'm misunderstanding a few of your points. Although I (BigAl) read and review a majority of the books reviewed, we do have multiple reviewers. The mix of genres and number of each is reflective of what has been submitted for review. It doesn't reflect the entire breadth of our reading because we don't review every book we read, nor does it reflect every book we have ever read. Jess, who did this review, has reviewed 4 or 5 books thus far. I'd venture a guess that she has read many more books than that, including many erotic books, in her lifetime.

C. Zampa said...

Well, if a book is going to get a *2* star rating, how lucky for the author that the review somehow ends up turning the reader ON to the book? I love that!

And as far as the believability factor: well, when was paranormal supposed to BE believable? It's fantasy!

This review just sold a book for Ms. Black! I'm going to buy it now! It sounds wonderful!

BooksAndPals said...

C. Zampa - I've long held the opinion that reviews with lower rankings sometimes sell more books than those with higher rankings. I know I've personally made the decision to buy something based on a 1 star review many times.

An Open Book said...

Books and Pals- AKA Big AL-
Point taken with the reviewer having done previous reviews elsewhere but that should have been stated in the review. Before I comment on anything, I investigate for facts and when I saw no other erotic classifications listed, it is obvious to anyone to ask "then where are the prior reviews for this genre?"

I didn't comment on this review to start a battle of review words or a snarling relationship.

I was simply adding my two-cents worth hence having read the book myself. Different views, different opinions and opposite ends of the spectrum reviews. Each person is entitled to theirs and I would never blatantly cut down another publishing world person- this is a cut-throat industry and we all want to strive for what we desire and crave.

I don't feel my statement above was of faulty assumptions. I commented on the information provided by the reviewer and chose to investigate her claim of having read many erotic romance. If the full information had been provided...that statement would have been absent from the first comment.

And to Ms. Black, I have seen this a hundred times (as I'm sure all that have commented here have witnessed)- in this industry, all publicity is good publicity. Whether a rave review or the bottom of the septic tank, controversy stirs up curiosity and can spark a new readership.

Elizabeth Black said...

Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone. And to BigAl, thanks for coming in here and commenting as well. I've also heard that lower star reviews sometimes result in curious readers buying the book. "Feral Heat" is one of my shorter works and it's actually a rather popular book with my readers. While "Feral Heat" might not have been BooksAndPals cup of tea, I invite you to review one of my newer books. My novel "Don't Call Me Baby" just came out (official release date Sept. 30) and if you're interested in reviewing that one I'll send it to you. Otherwise, it's been an interesting experience here and maybe we'll meet again in the future.

Jessica said...

Thanks for all your comments. How nice to see all the chatter! Nothing better than talking about books and writing. I'm happy to see Ms. Black has such an avid and loyal following! I only review books for BigAl, so that's why you didn't see any elsewhere on the web Open Book. I didn't feel the need to add the disclaimer. The erotica I've read in the past was substantially longer which did give the authors more time to add additional suspense, intrigue, plot movement and character depth. I would certainly give Ms. Black's longer work a try to see if it's more in keeping with my style preference and expectations of this genre. Elizabeth, it's wonderful that you understand the value of all types of reviews and keep an open mind! One of my review goals is always to make the description as tantalizing as I can to spark interest in the book regardless of my personal taste for it. Those who can discern their own preferences will still purchase it regardless of my rating. Thanks again ~Jess

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