

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recollections / Jim Chambers

Reviewed by: BigAl

Genre: Non-Fiction/Memoir

Approximate word count: 45-50,000 words

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Born nine months and five days after his father returned from service in World War II, Jim Chambers is a prime example of why the “baby boom” happened. Chambers lives in Georgia, where he is a retired highway engineer and avid amateur photographer who has had his photos published in several magazines. This is his first book.


The 1950s was a unique decade, with significant changes in lifestyle as the US experienced a post-war boom and many technological, political, and cultural changes. Author Jim Chambers discusses what it was like growing up in the ‘50s.


In the avalanche of book submissions we received in April, there were a few books I’d already read and, in some cases, may have written a review pre-blog. Recollections was one of these. My review at the time was short and succinct:

Nostalgic (or a reminder of how far we’ve come) for children of the ‘50s and early ‘60s. A premier on the “olden days” for the younger crowd. Chambers tells the good with the bad – in other words, more than a series of “sonny, when I was a kid” stories.

Subtitled A Baby Boomer’s Memories of the Fabulous Fifties, I found it interesting to contrast the differences between Chambers’ childhood and my own, which took place about ten years later. At the time I was concerned that many readers – anyone in their forties or younger – might not be able to relate, and nostalgia is the book’s main appeal for all except for those with a specific interest in history. However, for readers in the prime demographic, Recollections should be a fun read.

Format/Typo Issues:

Unknown. Since I read this well before starting this blog I wasn’t keeping track of errors while reading. However, a quick sampling didn’t reveal any significant issues.

Rating: *** Three stars

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