

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hope for the Wicked / Edward Lorn

Reviewed by: BigAl

Genre: Suspense

Approximate word count: 30-35,000 words

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“Edward Lorn is an American horror author presently residing in the southeast United States. He enjoys storytelling, reading, and writing biographies in the third person.”

Lorn has three other books available. For more, visit his website.


“Sometimes, bad people do good deeds.

Larry and Mo Laughlin are retired killers turned private investigators with monetary woes. So when their handler introduces them to the Trudeaus, one final job is placed on the docket.

Jacob and Bernice Trudeau need their teenage daughter, Amy, found, and they also want the men responsible dead. Two million dollars is an offer Larry and Mo can’t refuse.

To find Amy, the Laughlins must travel to Mexico, where they are thrust into a world of debauchery so foul they will be forever changed.

One crazed pimp, a veterinarian turned doc-for-hire, and an enigmatic facility called ‘The Show’ lie in wait for the wayward couple.

Is there any hope for the wicked?”


Edward Lorn describes himself as a horror writer, yet the books of his I’ve liked the most are those that are something more. Case in point, Hope for the Wicked has some scenes that are very graphic and show Lorn’s talents for horror, but the book goes well beyond what I think of when considering the horror genre. This is a suspense novel, with all that implies, but has the twist that the main characters of the story are, at least on the surface, bad people. Or maybe that should be good people who do bad things. Maybe even for a good reason. You’ll have to decide.

I love books that have characters who aren’t clearly good guys or bad guys (if they are, they’re one dimensional and boooring). If the story can get you considering the big questions about good and evil, as this did, even better. That it was a story that kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering how it would all turn out, with a few surprises thrown in, was perfect.


Adult language and graphic content.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues

Rating: ***** Five stars

a Rafflecopter giveaway


EdwardLorn said...

I'm thrilled you liked it, Al! Thanks for giving the book a read ;)


Walter Knight said...

Characters with flaws are most interesting.

BooksAndPals said...

Now I'm eager for the next in the series, Edward. :)

So true, Walter.

EdwardLorn said...

Pennies for the Damned, a Larry Laughlin novel, is complete, but, as you know, I have many edits and proofs and all that good stuff to wait for. Plus, I haven't even submitted it to Red Adept Publishing yet :P But it is done, I promise :)

Life after Dane is next, though. Rumor has it, that one should be out by early summer.


Imogen Rose said...

Sounds good, E! Looking forward to reading it.

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