

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hush / S.L. Baum

This review is the second half of a doubleshot. If you missed it, BigAl reviewed the same book this morning.

Reviewed by: Fredlet

Genre: YA/Dystopian

Approximate word count: 45-50,000 words

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Ms Baum enjoyed sci-fi books and movies as a kid. In her teens she began reading supernatural/paranormal novels. Other interests include crafting, baking, part time teaching, and most importantly being a wife and mother. She is the author of The Immortal Ones series. This book is the second novel in the Lush series.

For more, visit her blog or facebook page.


“Bluebell’s Citizen Brand is like no other. Because she is LUSH, she’s turned into a public figure – a perfect example of a Concord Citizen, a goal for the next generation. She tries to embrace her fate, but the more she learns about Concord and The Council, the less she trusts in everything she’s been told her whole life. 

After discovering that Aspen is not her real mother, Bluebell realizes she has little chance of finding the woman who gave birth to her. She also suspects someone is tampering with her memories, and knows that she must discover the truth about Concord before the people she loves are completely erased from her mind.” 


I really like how the first chapter pulled me right back into the story, quickly reviewed what had happened so far, and began to advance the story further. It also made me long to go back and reread Lush again. So I did! On my first reading, the ending of Lush had me reading so fast to see what was going to happen, then the same thing happened with Hush.

Ms Baum expertly sets up Bluebell’s lack of trust in her family. Their actions, or lack thereof, and the articles she reads from the secret tablet, along with her dreams, set the stage for her suspicions about who she is and what the real goals of Concord and The Council might be. Her descriptions of the Gala and Ambassador Tour, from fashion to settings to menus, painted a very vivid picture of the events and made me hungry.

I developed very strong feelings for some of the characters. Aspen’s secrets and controlling behavior creeps me out. I had those same feelings for Weaver from Medical in Concord One. His desire to so closely observe Bluebell while touring One made me uncomfortable about the reasons for his interest. I really enjoyed Gill, the chauffeur for the trip, and found his role to be intriguing. I admire Bluebell’s love and protectiveness for her friends; especially her developing relationship with Thorn.

The more I find out about Concord, the more skeptical I feel about The Council’s need to mandate, regulate, and control the Citizens. All the drugs taken or administered and need for perfectness seem more sinister than perfect. I look forward to seeing how Bluebell will handle her desire to be a perfect example of a Concord Citizen with the knowledge she learns about Concord and the world outside. Concord Reigns? I am not so sure, and wonder if Bluebell will be able to hush up about what she finds out.


“Disclaimer: Hush is part of the Lush Series – but it's more like a Serialized Television Show. It is the second novel in the series, and it answers some questions from Lush, but it asks a lot more. Think of the Lush series like Lost or The Vampire Diaries or Heroes... and not so much like E.R. or Fringe or House. The final novel is due February 2014.” 

Format/Typo Issues:

I read a beta copy first, then skimmed through the released edition and found no significant issues.

Rating: ***** Five Stars


?wazithinkin said...

Great review, Fredlet! I am certainly intrigued.

Unknown said...

Between you and Al, it looks like I'll have to read this series. Better still, I'll get my daughter to try it out first and then borrow her copy!

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