

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Atheist’s Prayer / Amy R. Biddle

Reviewed by: BigAl

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Approximate word count: 60-65,000 words

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"Born and raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Amy now spends half of her life at sea and the other half wherever the hell she pleases. An avid traveler and dangerous daydreamer, she is most at home when surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains or the great blue sea."

For more, visit Biddle's website.


“After a solar eclipse nearly two years ago, nineteen people were found dead in a remote area of the California National Forest. They were lying in a circle, holding hands and wearing plastic fairy wings.

Years later, on the other side of the country, no one in the southern city of Jefferson is concerned about fairies or fairy-worshiping suicide cults. Except for Candy. She might not have proof, but she’s damn sure it’s going to happen again.

The problem is, Candy is a coke-dealing stripper and the only person who will listen to her is an alcoholic mall Santa named Hank, who’s only listening because, well… she’s hot.

There are seven days until the next eclipse.”


At first glance the title of The Atheist’s Prayer might repel the more religious while attracting non-believers. That initial impression is not only too simplistic an interpretation of the title (why would an atheist be praying?), but also assuming way too much. That isn’t to say that belief in a deity or the lack of such belief doesn’t figure into the story.

The characters in the book run the gamut of beliefs with my favorite, seven year-old Kevin, trying to make sense of it all. All the major characters are multi-dimensional and, like real people, refuse to conform to stereotype. Those that, at first blush, seem to have little going for them, confound that impression in the end, while those that seem to be among the best of people, show that appearances can be deceiving. In the end, they’re all human, with flaws and good qualities that aren’t immediately apparent.

No matter where you stand personally, if you approach The Atheist’s Prayer with an open mind, it will help illustrate the potential, both good and bad, in all people, regardless of which deity (if any) they choose to believe in.


Minor (and not very explicit) adult situations.

Format/Typo Issues:

I was given an advanced reader copy which might be different from the final copy.

Rating: ***** Five stars


Vicki said...

Well, I'm certainly intrigued. Great review.

BooksAndPals said...

Thanks, Vicki. It was different, in a good way. I (obviously) liked it a lot. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Al! I'm so glad you liked it.

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