

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Plague of the Night / Erin Jensen

Reviewed by: Sooz

Genre: Paranormal

Approximate word count: 80,000-85,000 words

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Erin Jensen is a University of Kentucky graduate. Plague of the Night is her debut novel, but she has written for Tales of the Talisman Magazine, Health & Wellness Magazine, The Human Resource Magazine, and KentuckyDoc Magazine. Jensen enjoys fan fiction and drawing.


When the police chief of the Charleston Police Department is killed by vampires, the police department is on full alert. The Blood Disease turns people into mindless, blood thirst vampires, but there is something even worse out there – vampires that look like humans. Caleb Reed heads the case, and runs into roadblocks between hybrid vampires and the FBI.


Vampires are an interesting topic – if not an overdone one – for a book. It seems most circumstances have been done before.

Yet, Plague of the Night seemed to offer a different view of a world filled with vampires, a darker more sinister one.

In Plague of the Night, most people think vampires are deathly creatures that rot from the inside out. There are a group of hybrids that do not encompass all of the vampire traits. Instead, they look like people and can blend in with the human population – given they aren’t allergic to sun. However, these aren’t your teenager’s vampires.

The story centers on Caleb, a detective whose job is to rid the world of vampires. Yet, he’s not totally convinced that is the right answer when his suspicions about a vampire that bit him and was killed years ago showed emotions that vampires in this world shouldn’t exist. While one faction of the hybrids wants to assimilate, another group wants to kill the humans who shun them.

Erin Jensen’s writing is solid. She certainly builds a believable world. The bad guy might be a bit cliché with witty one-liners when he gets a chance, but that is just one of the few drawbacks from Plague of the Night.

Jensen provides interesting twists, even with a bit of a cliffhanger at the end, and it’s not enough not to enjoy the book for those that do not like to be left hanging. It simply sets up a next book if there is one in the future.

If you are looking for a quick read with a bit of intrigue and action, Plague of the Night is a solid choice.

Format/Typo Issues:

No major issues.

Rating: **** Four stars


A Voracious Reader said...

I still like vampires and this sounds a bit different. I need to stop reading this site's reviews. My TBR is groaning. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi, BigAl's Book and Pals. Thank you for the awesome review. Is there any way you could put up a picture of the book cover?

BooksAndPals said...

No, don't stop, A Voracious Reader. :)

Rien, I don't remember ever missing the cover on a review like this, but obviously I did. It's been fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.

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