

Monday, November 10, 2014

An Almost Perfect Christmas/ Donna Fasano

This is the second half of a doubleshot. If you missed it, check out BigAl's thoughts on this same book in the post from this morning.

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Genre: Sweet Romance/ Contemporary Romance/Christmas

Approximate word count: 20-25,000 words

Kindle  US: YES  UK: YES  Nook: YES  Smashwords: NO  Paper: YES
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“USA Today Bestselling Author Donna Fasano is the author of over 30 romance and women’s fiction novels. Her award-winning books have sold over 4 million copies worldwide and have been translated into nearly two dozen languages.”

Ms. Fasano was the winner in Books and Pals 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards in the romance category for Her Fake Romance. She held onto that claim in Books and Pals 2014 Readers’ Choice awards with Reclaim My Heart.

You can learn more about Ms. Fasano’s other books on herwebsite where she also enjoys posting delicious recipes, or follow her onFaceBook.


“When it comes to business, Aaron Chase knows how to succeed. But when his daughter, Izzie, asks him for the perfect family Christmas, the handsome widower feels at a loss about how to make his little girl's dream come true.

Pediatric Nurse Christy Cooper has dedicated her life to taking care of children. She agrees to act as Izzie's stand-in mom for this special holiday and throws herself into making the child's Christmas wish a reality. Maybe this selfless act will somehow alleviate her secret regrets and failures of the past.

The holiday is filled with fun and laughter, and it's amazing how three short days can be so life-changing. When the impish eight-year-old talks the adults into acting out a silly, make-believe wedding, young Izzie is certain the magic of the season will turn the pretend vows into the real thing. The little girl wants her daddy to have Christmas in his life--every single day.”


It is amazing how much heart-wrenching emotion and angst was packed in this novella. I thank my lucky stars that I have never had to experience what these parents had to go through. I appreciate the joy and humor Ms. Fasano tried to weave into the story, but I personally found it hard getting past Izzie’s prognosis.  

Aaron Chase, Izzie’s father, did every single thing he could to make his daughter’s Christmas wish list come true while his own heart was breaking. He was very lucky to have Nurse Christy by his side. She was just as determined to fill Izzie’s wish list for reasons of her own. The soul baring scenes between Aaron and Christy were emotional, heartfelt, and realistic. Ms. Fasano has a way of exposing her characters core through dialog and picturesque scenes that put you there by their side to share their joys, sorrows, and emotions. Izzie was a delight in her idealist romantic view of the world and it was fun seeing the Christmas lights and the season itself through her eyes.

Ms. Fasano handled this painful story with realistic compassion and did an outstanding job leaving this couple with hope for an almost perfect future, which did leave me with a smile on my face and in my heart. I don’t think there are many authors who could have carried this theme through as gracefully as Ms. Fasano managed to do. I hope we get to see more of Aaron and Christy in her Ocean City Boardwalk series.

Format/Typo Issues:

I found no significant issues.

Rating: **** Four stars


Unknown said...

A good review of what sounds like a sad story. However, I am still going to read this one day.

?wazithinkin said...

It is a sad story, however Ms. Fasano is able to balance it with the joy of a promising future for this wounded couple. I hope you find the story as satisfying as I did. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Ms. Furse.

Donna Fasano said...

Thank you for the review. Izzie's story is sad, it's true, and she was the first character who started talking to me. Once I heard her excited chatter, I couldn't NOT write her story.

?wazithinkin said...

Izzie was a wonderful character and very easy to love. Her enthusiasm for life was contagious. I love the way you are able to convey real-life scenarios so gracefully and authentically. Thanks for dropping in and commenting, Ms. Fasano.

Mimi Barbour said...

I did read this story and was amazed at how skillfully Ms. Fasano wrote about such a painful subject. Very weel done! 10 Stars!!

?wazithinkin said...

I appreciate your sentiments, Ms. Barbour. Thank you for stopping in and commenting. :)

Dianne Greenlay said...

Based on this review, I am going to move this novella up to the top of my very long (*sigh*) TBR pile. A wonderful sounding Christmas story for the upcoming season.Thanks!

?wazithinkin said...

Thank you, Ms. Greenlay. I completely understand what you are saying about TBR piles. :) I am sure you will be satisfied with this heartfelt story.

Effrosyni Moschoudi said...

Great review! I can tell I'd love this book. I know this because I seem to enjoy this type of story immensely in movies. So much bitter-sweetness, blended with sadness, and true life sorrows that we all know so well make for a perfect, magical Xmas story. I am sure this book will be another big success for Donna Fasano!

?wazithinkin said...

Bitter-sweet describes this story perfectly, Effrosyni Moschoudi. Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my review. I do love the way Ms. Fasano spins her tales.

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