

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sand Castle / Ayami Tyndall

Reviewed by: Sooz

Genre: Science Fiction

Approximate word count: 20,000-25,000 words

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Ayami Tyndall is a California native who is an avid reader. He’s authored several books many of which look at how technology has changed our lives. You can learn more about Ayami and his works at his website.


Dylan Quale receives a series of texts and phone calls predicting the immediate future. It turns out that probabilities are changing, and narrowing to one certain outcome, and Dylan is the one to fix it.


Sometime coincidences can turn out to be something a little bigger – that’s what Dylan Quale realizes when he has received a series of strange, yet prophetic phone calls. Something is wrong in the world and options for people are narrowing, meaning their choices will lead to one conclusion, and it’s usually not a good one.

Dylan is apparently the only who could fix them although he is a bit reluctant to try. The short story is captivating to start. Everything the mysterious text messages and phone calls to Dylan have turned true, so it quickly lent to immediate questions: Who is sending these? Why is this happening? How could Dylan save them?

However, in the middle the book became a bit confusing and just a little absurd. The narrowed choices led to apocalyptic-type of events: a plane falling on a house; missing family members returning; everyone seeming to be related.

The idea of Sand Castle still intrigues me. I think this book falls into a case of actually being too short. I would have liked to have more pages explaining some of peculiarities and ensuring I understood what was going on because I stopped “getting it.”

Instead, I finished with confusion and doubt.

Format/Typo Issues:

No major issues

Rating: ***Three stars

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