

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Little Mouse / Judi Moore

Reviewed by: BigAl

Genre: Historical Fiction

Approximate word count: 35-40,000 words

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A native of the UK, Judi Moore is a retired creative writing teacher. She has one other book, Is death really necessary? For more, visit Moore’s blog.


“After Kristallnacht in 1938 Doktor Theodore Goldstein, his wife Lisl, and their small son Theo, flee from Berlin, across the North Sea to Edinburgh. There, for more than ten years, they build a new life – a good life. But then a friend from the old days arrives, and they find themselves once again facing ruin and terror.”


Little Mouse is an interesting, thought-provoking read. The perspective of a Jewish family experiencing the horror of the rise of Nazi Germany, trying to make sense of what was happening and how to react, drew me in quickly. What they did and the sacrifices they made to survive by fleeing the country make up the first part of the book and setup the overall premise.

However, once they escape and have begun to rebuild their life in Scotland, the war ends, and something happens that once again puts all they have built at risk. What they decide to do and how they accomplish it is the meat of the story. The decision of what to do was predictable, if not clichéd. However, I did find the moral dilemmas they faced in coming to their decision thought provoking and was pulling for them to succeed.


Uses UK word usage and spelling conventions.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues

Rating: **** Four Stars

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Al, for this very fair review.

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