

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Recently at The IndieView

The most recent interviews at The IndieView starting with a refresher on the different kinds of interviews. 

The IndieView

This is an interview with a standard set of open ended questions. While they focus on a specific book, they also delve into the author's history as a writer and the path they took in becoming an indie author.

The BookView

This is a shorter interview format for authors who have already done an IndieView which focuses just on their most recent book.

Reviewer IndieView

These are interviews with reviewers who have their own review blog that delve into their approach to reviewing. A great way to find other book blogs you might like to follow. (For authors, there is also an extensive database of indie friendly review sites you might like to check out.)

Allirea's Realm

By invitation only, these are quirky, often irreverent interviews done by longtime Books and Pals follower, Allirea.

(Authors and reviewers interested in doing an IndieView should visit this page for details.)

IndieView with Courtney Psak, author of Thirty Days to Thirty

I knew the overall message I wanted to convey, so by keeping that focus in mind, it was easy to make sure I was presenting that clearly throughout the book.

IndieView with Lisa Becker, author of Clutch

If you happen to be a well-to-do movie producer looking to make a new romantic comedy, please get in touch!

BookView with Traci Borum, author of Seeking the Star

Hopefully, those who’ve enjoyed my first two novels will enjoy this one, too. And even though it’s being marketed as “Christian” fiction, I still believe those outside that target group will find the book interesting and valuable, the next step in the series.

Reviewer IndieView with Barb and her Co-bloggers from Paging Through the Days

I went to work the next day with a mission in mind. I told Em, “Hey I started a blog and you’re gonna help.” (Laughs) She had never blogged but I kinda threw her in and now she’s almost a pro.

BookView with Jason Tanamor, author of Drama Dolls

I can’t remember the documentary’s title but it revolved around grown men who dressed up as dolls and walked around in public. Bystanders would stop and stare, point, wave, and yell out at them, and in the dolls’ minds, they thought that they were beautiful.

Reviewer IndieView with Night Kreature of Kreatures of the Night

Someone once told me, “You could be the ripest, sweetest peach in the world, and there will be still someone who doesn’t like peaches.”

IndieView with Gee Williams, author of The Secret of Christopher Topher

The book was going the way of Harry Potter. And I love Harry Potter books. But I wanted something original. Then one day it came to me.

IndieView with K.J. McPike, author of XODUS

The dialogue between Lali and her four younger siblings came easily to me. I grew up the second of five children, so writing their sibling banter was almost second nature. It was also one of my favorite parts of writing the book.

BookView with Nicholas Conley, author of Pale Highway

This book exists because of my experience working with people with Alzheimer’s. After seeing their struggle—and their courage—I knew it was something I had to write about, especially because Alzheimer’s doesn’t get anywhere near the amount of media coverage that it warrants.

Reviewer IndieView with Allie Sumner of Allie’s Opinions

Each book fundamentally changes a part of who you are. It’s important that those of us who have a passion for it try to ignite that passion in others.

IndieView with T.C. Metivier, author of Veil of Darkness

But it would be exceedingly generous to call the random scribblings of a fifth-grader a ‘book’; instead, it was some basic ideas and a few characters. Since then I’ve written a few versions with varying levels of completeness.

IndieView with Greta Cribbs, author of Amelia’s Children

Naturally, when designing characters' personalities I did think about some people that I actually know. Throwing some of the quirks and eccentricities of real people into my fictional characters helps to make them more interesting and believable, but no character is entirely based on a real person.

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