

Friday, July 1, 2016

Road Trip by Grace Jelsnik

This is the first "shot" of today's doubleshot review. Check back this afternoon for ?wazithinkin's thoughts on the same book.

Genre: Suspense/Romance

The Road Trip to Hell and Back

Dr. Noah Severson, veterinarian and reluctant environmentalist, must expose the devastation unleashed on the environment by hydraulic fracturing, “fracking,” of the subsurface shale by a greedy oil company and its silent partner, the Environmental Protection Agency.

Victoria Winslow, heiress and socialite, lost in the shadow cast by her legendary mother, seeks her true identity on the open road, behind the wheel of her father’s new Jaguar.

Thomas, thirteen-year-old recently orphaned runaway, searches for the brother who was stripped from him by the man pretending to be his uncle.

Mule, English mastiff and unwitting smuggler, wants relief from the agony caused by the million dollars’ worth of drug-filled condoms clogging his digestive tract.

Ricky, four-year-old kidnapped orphan, waits for his brother to rescue him from the outlaw biker who kidnapped him.”

Grace Jelsnik earned her M.A. in English with an emphasis on creative writing at the University of South Dakota. She lives in North Dakota with her husband of fifteen years, their three children, two dogs, and three cats.”

Learn more about Ms. Jelsnik on her Amazon Author page or follow her on Facebook.

Road Trip throws multiple characters together, none of them having prior connections, each with goals or purposes of their own. Victoria is trying to find herself. Noah is trying to expose the environmental damage caused by fracking in the Dakotas, while brothers Thomas and Ricky are trying to keep what is left of their family together. The author manages to weave these unrelated stories together into a coherent whole with plenty of suspense, tension, and a touch of romance. Definitely a book I'd recommend.

Buy now from:   Kindle US    Kindle UK     Paperback

Format/Typo Issues:
No significant issues

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 80-85,000 words

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