

Monday, June 4, 2018

Review: Mr. Pish Goes to the Farm by K. S. Brooks (Author, Photographer), and Mr. Pish

Genre: Children’s Picture Book/Educational


“The adventurous traveling terrier, Mr. Pish, takes us on a personally guided tour to show us what goes on at a farm. From playing with a cute lamb to driving a big swathing machine, Mr. Pish explores it all in Mr. Pish Goes to the Farm. In this sixth book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series, full color photographs and engaging text provide us with entertaining insight to teach us where our food comes from! Best viewed on a full color device.”


K.S. Brooks has written numerous books in multiple genres including romantic suspense, satire, and educationally oriented children’s books. She is administrator of Indies Unlimited (a multi-author blog “celebrating independent authors”), where you can often catch her pontificating on matters of interest to both readers and authors. For more, visit Ms. Brooks’ website, as well as Mr. Pish’s website.


Who would have thought a trip to the farm could be so entertaining and informative? Mr. Pish explains about the many different types of farms there are. He even included greenhouses growing different types of flowers and vegetables. His engaging dialogue will keep kids interested as Pish shows different animals and farming implements from various eras. Mr. Pish’s enthusiasm springs off the page and into children’s imagination.

This is a fun read to share with your little ones and older children. Mr. Pish Goes to the Farm would be an excellent addition to any home or school library. 

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

Mr. Pish Goes to the Farm is book 6 in the Mr. Pish Educational Series and is best read on a colored e-reader or tablet.

Format/Typo Issues:

No issues with proofing or formatting.

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Approximate word count: 26 pages


K.S. Brooks said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful review! :)

?wazithinkin said...

You are very welcome! I really thing all school libraries should carry Mr. Pish books. He's a great ambassador for all things outdoors.

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