

Friday, March 15, 2019

Review: Undercover Siren by Ellen Mint

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Mystery/Speculative Fiction


He was only supposed to be a job. Why can't she walk away?
Colton Davies, an ex-Marine turned cop, stumbles across a damsel in distress while working the beat and rushes to her aid. Unbeknownst to him, Kristen Trevelyan isn’t an old classmate who accidentally locked her keys in the car, but a spy working for a classified agency. She’s tasked with getting close to the police officer, but she never anticipated how close they’d become.”


Ellen Mint adores the adorkable heroes who charm with their shy smiles and heroines that pack a punch. She recently won the Top Ten Handmaid's Challenge on Wattpad where hers was chosen by Margaret Atwood herself. Along with her husband and black lab, she spends a lot of time with her skeletons -- don't worry, they're just Halloween props.”


Basically, this is a story of two broken people, in their thirties, looking for love and acceptance, which neither think they deserve. Lies and pride on both their parts get in the way of their relationship.

Ms. Mink has developed a war torn culture in which to weave racism, betrayal, espionage, intrigue, and romance. Then she throws in a large threatening fantasy element. This aspect becomes the fundamental storyline, which everything revolves around. Kristen feels like the weight of saving the world lies solely on her shoulders. Colton feels like it is his duty to try to protect Kristen, which is almost laughable. But, Colton has issues with Kristen that he won’t let rest. Colton spoke a little about being a Marine. However, towards the end of the book Colton said he was in the Army. Now that I’m getting picky I have to add a few other word oddities the author chose to use. Noses were describes as; puckering, curling, crumple, and crinkled inward. My nose can’t do any of those things. Also, here a few sentences quoted that I came across:

“…her lips began to crumble into what looked like tears.”

That didn’t stop the woman from cranking her ruby red lips wide in a blinding smile.”

Colton whiffled his lips while falling back into the seat.”

Colton moaned while reverberating his forehead against the mirror.”

Which was probably why he’d been suckered to his couch for the past three months.”

Shrugging with a small swagger on her lips…”

“…and she smiled in her stomach.”

There is a decent, multi-faceted story here, but it requires a thorough editing job to polish up and remove the thesaurus puke.

Buy now from:     Amazon US     Amazon UK


Undercover Siren is book 1 in Ellen Mint’s, Inquisition Series. This novel contains graphic sex scenes, violence, and lots of gore.

Format/Typo Issues:

Besides the regular missing, extra, or wrong words, are the problems I listed above in my review. The copy I received to review needs a good editor.

Rating: ** Two Stars

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Approximate word count: 160-165,000 words

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