

Friday, November 8, 2019

Review: Ants In My Blood by Kevin Berg

Genre: Short Story Collection/Horror


“Love and parasites, painfully hungry work, people in the water, vindication at a price, itchy needles, lingering debts, ignored warnings, and the true cost of an epidemic. Experience the worst kind of parental guidance, watch the devil bleed, and wait for the eternal messengers to take you apart before carrying the last pieces of you away.

Straddling the boundaries between horror, suspense, dark humor, and the bizarre.”


“Kevin Berg is the author of Indifference and Daddy Monster. His dark fiction can be found at Pulp Metal Magazine, Near to the Knuckle, The Blood Red Experiment, Horror Sleaze Trash, Trembling With Fear, and Underbelly Magazine, among others.”


In the acknowledgements at the end of this short story collection the author mentions that most of the stories were written during what he calls a “crazy and heartbreaking year.” It shows. While some of the stories could be classified as horror, many don’t fit that description, but they all have a dark side. Sure, you might laugh at points. I sure did when I discovered the name of the character in one story was Jesus Harold Christ, for example. However, after the initial laugh I quickly discovered that story had a dark side too. (It also had a point to ponder.) Most of the stories were like this. Well written, dark, and yet something more whether it is being thought-provoking, humorous, or entertaining in some other way.

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Some adult language.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 40-45,000 words

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