

Friday, December 6, 2019

Review: Diamond of Aether by Scott L. Collins

Genre: Middle Grade/Epic Fantasy/Adventure/Coming of Age


“One more gem to complete the Scepter. One more battle, this time with everything at stake. A small band has rebelled against the evil king and fought to reunite the power of the Scepter of Harmony before confronting him in a fight to free the kingdom from his brutal rule.

Daniel, Aidan, and friends search out the Diamond of Aether, the last missing stone, before planning their assault on Argyle. How can one small group of teens hope to defeat the most ruthless king the land has ever known? How can they hope to launch an assault on a fortress guarded by everyone Argyle has called to defend him?

The time has come to put an end to the chase, one way or the other.”


 “Scott Collins was born and raised in Southern California but relocated to the Denver area following the birth of the first of his two sons. Days' End was his debut novel but has since switched to Middle Grade Fantasy so he can share his writing with his young boys. In addition to writing, he enjoys spending his free time (with two kids that's not much time) running and cycling.”

You may visit Mr. Collins’ Amazon Author page or follow him on Facebook.


The quest of our small group of heroes is to restore the Scepter of Harmony to reestablish peace in the kingdom. Lilli can feel the last gem to recover is deep inside the White Mountain, but not how to get to it. Aidan’s dragon friend may be able to help, but even that plan is sketchy.

Even if they get the last gem, they have to build an army to storm Argyle’s castle. They have been lucky enough to make some allies during their quest. Surprisingly, they find some strong allies in the least likely creatures in one of the saddest moments. These men are able to help Daniel to hone and finalize their plans of attacking the castle.

Diamond of Aether is action packed and enthralling. War is a nasty business and there are losses. Storytelling is a great way to instill morals in our children as they grow. Our heroes learn some powerful lessons during this quest, and they take them all to heart. Scott Collins has done a wonderful job weaving together many fantastical beasts and elements in this epic fantasy series. I hope I’m not giving anything away when I say Aidan has a new awesome gift bestowed on him and there is a budding romance, which made me smile.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK


Diamond of Aether is book five in the Scepter Series. This series builds on each other. I would recommend starting with book one, Scepter.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Approximate word count: 70-75,000 words

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