

Monday, October 5, 2020

Review: The Disappearing Shore by Roberta Park


Genre: General Fiction/Eco-Lit


“This enigmatic three-part novella imagines what might happen if the nice environmentalist next door finally snapped and started telling the truth—the real truth about his overwhelming guilt, rage, and fear. As the story unfolds, others break their silence in a desperate bid to save their corner of the world from the recklessness that has led us here.

From the confessions of today’s unlikely heroes — full of candour and dark humour — The Disappearing Shore depicts a much different tomorrow, and the struggle of those determined to continue the human story.

We are at an extraordinary point in human history, and this eco-lit tale by Roberta Park addresses the fears and responsibility we must face.”


Roberta Park is the pen name used, at least for this book, by an author and community activist who lives in Canada. For more, visit her blog.


This book is fiction and it’s not. It isn’t true, yet it is. It reads like non-fiction with several authors, but is actually fiction with multiple characters. Confused? I’ll try to explain.

The Disappearing Shore appears to be a series of short essays by a variety of people with expertise in different areas, each relating a bit on their experiences and thoughts on things that are generally related to the environment. The reality is the people aren’t real (although maybe they’re based on real people), but it gives us a series of characters to view how the world and our environment is changing over time and give us some different points of view on environmental issues. At a minimum this should get you thinking. Ideally that will be followed by action. (What that action should be, I’ll leave to you to decide.)

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK


The author is from Canada and her spelling reflects this.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 25-30,000 words.

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