

Friday, December 1, 2023

Review: The Halcyon Crisis by Drew Harrison

 Genre: Thriller


“Former FBI crisis negotiator Johnathan Harper was trying to enjoy his retirement… a cruise vacation was supposed to be the ideal getaway, a chance to finally make some new friends.

But the perfect vacation proved the perfect target. When a gang of sophisticated, highly trained pirates takes over a cruise ship, passengers and crew must enter a desperate fight for survival on the high seas. John finds himself involuntarily thrust back into his old line of work, grappling with the ghosts of his greatest personal failing… and as John knows all too well, negotiation only works from the outside of the locked room.

When the pirates eject all Halcyon crew on the ship’s lifeboats, they accidentally left one behind: Willa Thompson. Now, she’ll have to leverage her knowledge of the ship’s secrets to successfully infiltrate the pirate forces… a saboteur among the enemy, locked in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

And while the pirates negotiate with the Navy for their pay day, not everyone on the ship merely sits idly by… travel blogger Nina Collins finds herself suddenly at the center of a small group of tourists planning a guest resistance. But when the enemy is masked, and when imposters move among the tourists, who can Nina truly trust?”


The only information I could find about this author is that they appear to have one other book, a fantasy/sci-fi story called Starfall.


This is an intense read that draws you in, getting you to care about the characters and wanting them to make it through their situation, just like a thriller should. There are a couple story lines, one from the past and one current, that come together eventually and wondering about them and how they will relate was one of the mysteries of the book that kept me engrossed. The story also kept me thinking, guessing, and wondering about numerous things. Who the good guys were wasn’t always obvious (nor was it any more obvious for the characters in the story than it was for me). Thriller fans should find this to be a good read and unique in many ways from their normal fare.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK


Some adult language.

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 100-105,000 words

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