

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Review: Ghost Cruise by Melissa Bowersock

 Note: This is the second half of a doubleshot review. Judi Moore gave us her take a couple days ago. Now here's BigAl's thoughts on the same book.

Genre: Mystery/Supernatural/Ghosts


When Lacey realizes that her parents are approaching their 50th wedding anniversary, she and her brother Sean decide to go all out to gift them a week-long family cruise aboard a private yacht. While everyone else is enjoying the excursions and delicious food, Sam feels a sense of unease beneath the celebration, and in addition, mechanical problems seem to vex the boat. With the carefully planned vacation turning into unexpected and ever-worsening mishaps, can Sam and Lacey figure out the cause before they’re all marooned at sea?”


“Melissa Bowersock is an eclectic, award-winning author who writes in a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres: paranormal, biography, western, action, romance, fantasy, spiritual, and satire.”

For more visit Ms.Bowersock’s website and follow her on Facebook.


This series, now 43 books long, has certain things long time readers know are going to happen in the story. Specifically, the spirit or ghost of at least one person is going to be causing issues for someone somewhere. The stars of the series, the medium Sam Firecloud, and his partner, Lacey Fitzpatrick, will come and figure out what is causing the spirit to be unable to move from this “Earthly plain” to where ever they go from here. Figuring out who the spirit is and how to help them move forward is a mystery. Even if you don’t believe in spirits or other supernatural beings, suspending disbelief isn’t that tough and the mystery pulls you in. What that mystery is, who is involved, and where it happens always adds more to the story as Sam, Lacey, and others involved try to carry on as they’re figuring things out.

This story was a twist from the norm in that someone didn’t come looking for help from Sam and Lacey, instead they stumble into the situation when they take Lacey’s parents on a cruise with some other family members. I felt like I was taking a little cruise along the coast of Southern California as everyone was participating in various activities and sightseeing along the route of the cruise. The avid traveler in me loved going along for the ride. All the pieces made for another fun and unique read.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 30-35,000 words

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