Genre: Short Story Collection
“A collection of short stories designed for people on-the-go. Each
tale offers respite for busy people in a hectic world. Every quick read is
perfect for coffee breaks, lunch breaks—or just those moments when you simply
need a break from the routine.”
Marc Twine describes himself as a “retired critical care nurse,
history buff, and short story aficionado.”
Twenty-three short stories that average a couple thousand words each.
The perfect length for a quick read. When I got to the end and saw the author’s
short bio that mentioned he is a history buff, it was no surprise, as many of
the stories integrate history into them in some fashion. The author also
mentions liking to travel which explains the reason why his stories often take
place in very specific places from the hill country of Texas to Chicago and New
York, to Australia and Europe. The unique qualities of the places figure into
those stories.
All of that is good, but what really stood out for me reading these
stories were two other things. One, that these stories felt complete. I never
felt like I was left hanging, or that I needed to fill in too many of the gaps
myself, which is almost to be expected in a collection with stories this size.
Second, the author has a talent of ending a story on just the right note. So
many of the stories I was rolling along, liking the story, when suddenly I hit
the end. But the last paragraph, sentence, sometimes even the last word (onions
was the word in one case) was exactly what was needed to tie everything up
perfectly. I was impressed.
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Format/Typo Issues:
No significant issues
Rating: *****
Five Stars
by: BigAl
Approximate word count: 45-50,000 words