Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In Lieu of a Review

Instead of a review today we invite you to visit the A Moose Walked into a Bar blog where BigAl is the guest blogger.

For those not familiar with this blog, it is hosted by three Indie authors - Barbara Silkstone, L.C. Evans, and Karen Cantwell. Each Wednesday one of these three or a guest tells a story that is supposed to be both funny and true. Past guests have included Sibel Hodge, Suzanne Tyrpak (both authors we've reviewed here), and the first Indie author to sell over a million Kindle copies of his books, John Locke. Why they asked BigAl if he'd like to be a guest blogger is unclear, but it did teach him a good lesson. There is reason these people are successful novelists, and he will never be. Read BigAl's Guest Post, and you'll understand too.


Karen Cantwell said...

BigAl - you don't give yourself enough credit! It was a very fun and FUNNY post that entertained thoroughly! We can't thank you enough for stopping by and Char-ing - I mean sharing. :-)

BooksAndPals said...

Thanks, Karen. I had a fun time.