Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Review: Be a Nomad Change Your Life by Robin Barrett


Genre: Non-Fiction/Travel


“Do you have a dream? Being a nomad might be the solution that makes it come true.

Don't wait to travel, start that new business, write a novel, or spend time with the people you love. Do it now, by following the easy to understand resources in this book. BANCYL walks you through WHY people – just like you -- choose a nomadic life, HOW to decide if it’s the right life for you, and WHERE you can travel and thrive, step by step.


In this inclusive, one-stop resource guide, you’ll find all the tools you need to launch into a successful, safe nomadic life, with:

•Hundreds of helpful links

•Budget, Destination and Planning Worksheets

•Travel Options – from frugal to ritzy

•Safety Tips – from accident safety to bear attacks and everything in between

•Resources to navigate State of Residence, REAL ID, and receiving mail

•Dozens of mobile job resources

•Financial Resources – from Health Insurance Options to banking and saving for retirement

•Easy to understand information on mobile power, water and hygiene

•Discount clubs and free camping resources

•How to travel with pets

•Finding a great mobile social life and support system

•And much, much more.”


Robin Barrett doesn’t just tell other people how to live the nomadic lifestyle, but she does it herself, traveling the country living in her RV. She has a blog that she sometimes posts to and a Youtube channel that has a steady stream of content for you to check out.


For various reasons an amazing number of people are living a nomadic lifestyle, traveling and living all or significant portions of the time in their RV, van, or other vehicle. The pandemic and the wild real estate market recently have only increased the number choosing this lifestyle. This book gives a run down on the things to consider, resources that are available, various options for the many decisions you’ll need to make (what kind of RV, where should I stay, what will I do for income, what to do for food, water, phone, internet) and the list of things could go on for a long time. Much of this information could be gathered in other ways, possibly even just by watching the author’s Youtube videos (if you have about a bazillion hours free to do that). I’d even advise checking out some of those videos. But what this book does is gives you the big picture of the things you need to consider, even if it is to look at it and say, “nah, that doesn’t pertain to me.” For example, traveling with a pet may not be something that interests you. The book also points the way to find more information if what’s provided doesn’t go deep enough for your needs. It serves as both a good introduction to the considerations and a reference, for knowing where to go to dig deeper. Definitely a book I’d recommend for anyone considering the lifestyle discussed.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 30-35,000 words

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