Monday, January 11, 2021

Review: No Monkeys in the Library by Paige Mulder


Genre: Children’s Picture Book


“A lovable monkey and his misadventures at the library.”


Born in Michigan and the big sister to two younger brothers, Paige Mulder is still in her teens. This is her first book, but there is a follow up (No Monkeys in the Park) that should be out by the time this review is published. For more, check out her website.


For my first time reading this book I had my granddaughter (we’ll call her LBG or “little blonde girl”) who is in second grade read it to me. I could see the book drew her in quickly. She enjoyed reading it and the librarian (the other main character in the book in addition to the Monkey) gave her plenty of chances to put a lot of drama into her words. In fact, it would be hard to read the book out loud without doing so. That makes this a good choice for young readers to read to a parent or a younger sibling.

When we finished I asked LBG for her impressions. She immediately said that she liked it. When I quizzed, asking what her favorite part of it was the answer was “My favorite part was all of it.” I guess she liked it a lot. She also gave me her thoughts on the Monkey (he was being naughty), suggested that the librarian was a bit mean, but “she said sorry” due to what happened at the end. But I don’t want to give away the ending. You’ll have to read it yourself if you’re curious about that.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

Format/Typo Issues:

No issues.

Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 28 pages

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