Friday, June 7, 2024

Review: The Retirement Planning Roadmap by Sweet Home Publishing


Genre: Non-Fiction/Self Help


“Discover the secret to enjoying your golden years free of fears and worries – retire with confidence in just 7 steps!

After years – or even decades – of relentlessly working, you’re almost ready to trade in your work chair for a beach chair.

You imagine yourself trotting along a picturesque town with your friends… instead of running around the office.

Right now, it's really tempting to think about retirement as a never-ending holiday, where you’re finally allowed to rest and relax without having to deal with deadlines, a full email inbox, or stressful colleagues.

But here’s a reality check: If you took a look at your bank account right now, would you have enough to have that dreamy permanent vacation… or maybe a bad dream?

The truth is, nearly half of adults approaching retirement age may not be financially prepared to retire, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The good news is, you don’t have to be one of them. Whether you're just beginning to plan for retirement or are closer to embarking on this new chapter of your life, you can act now to turn your retirement dreams into a reality.”


No information provided


I’ll start this out with the statement that I wish I’d read this book many years ago. Given my current age and likely retirement age, I should have gotten this information from somewhere a long time ago. (From this book would have been perfect, except it didn’t exist until more recently.) That said, there is a ton of information here that is and will continue to be valuable to me. The subjects covered in this book include the obvious, specifically the financial issues surrounding retirement, but also some of the other less obvious issues, what I’ll describe as the mental roadblocks and mental adjustments you’ll need to prepare for and work through. Some, I’d thought of, but this has got me thinking of others. I suspect many who, like me, are close to retirement, could benefit from reading this too. The downside is that you’re liable to stress out if you realize you aren’t as prepared in some ways as you thought you were, but better to adjust plans now if needed.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

Format/Typo Issues:

No significant issues.

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 30-35,000 words

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