Friday, June 28, 2024

Review: Teacher by James Eric Riley


Genre: Humor/Memoir


“These students aren’t just bad, they’re dangerous. And then there’s the principal.

For Los Angeles teacher Eric Riley, summers off, holidays, and health benefits are all that matters. Why else get into teaching in your forties? With a wife and two young daughters, and a mountain of debt after suffering a broken leg, teaching represents a steady paycheck and time off he’s never experienced.

Riley survives his rookie year as a teacher, only to be assigned a class with a special designation: Emotionally Disturbed. He starts the new position, after taking a mandatory training session on the latest approved methods of physical restraint – the delicate name for self-defense when dealing with violent students.

One day, a student attacks Riley – and Riley puts him down hard on the floor. The school principal orders Riley to be placed on administrative leave. During a series of preliminary hearings regarding his status, he realizes that the official version of the incident is changing. When his union and legal representatives appear to be incompetent, he secretly contacts staff members at his school. They break into an administrator’s office and uncover statements and records regarding his suspension that implicate the principal, the district, and even the teachers’ union.

From classic teaching moments to administrator run-ins to a district boardroom showdown, one teacher finds out what he’s good at.”


“James Eric Riley grew up near the rust belt town of Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. He attended Eastern Kentucky University and graduated with a degree in Theater Arts. After years of summer stock and regional theater, he and his wife moved to Southern California where they discovered snow skiing and - for Riley - speed skating. But after breaking a leg in a short track competition, teaching suddenly seemed like a better idea. As a high-school teacher, he finally put his theater background to use teaching public speaking and writing and directing a one-act version of Macbeth performed by students and faculty. Now retired, he and his wife Jeneva live in Independence, Kentucky.”


As I read this I struggled with just how true it was. The author was a teacher. The book is described in the materials I received with the copy I reviewed as a novel with humor or dark humor as the genre. That’s seems a clear indication of it being fiction. But then just before the book’s prologue starts I see the page with these words
This is a memoir. Everything you are about to read is true.

Names have been changed to protect the guilty and to ensure the anonymity of the innocent.
Hmm. Then I look more closely at the cover and realize that on the school building pictured, just to the left of the door, it says “A Memoir.” So maybe it is true, but all the ”characters” are made anonymous. I guess I can’t say what the answer is for sure.

What I can say for sure is that while there were times that I was stretching my ability to suspend disbelief, I mostly managed to do so. It was an adventure to read and certainly helped me appreciate teachers even more than I already did. How things were going to turn out for Eric, the protagonist of the … whatever it is … was constantly up in the air and kept me engaged and eager to find out how the story ended. Certainly a good, engaging read.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK


Some adult language.

Format/Typo Issues:

Review is based on an advance reviewer copy so I can’t gauge the final product in this area.

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: BigAl

Approximate word count: 65-70,000 words

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