Genre: Fantasy
Approximate word count: 65-70,000 words
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Corrigan has degrees in English and psychology and has spent several years
working as a data analyst in various branches of the healthcare industry. She
lives in Maryland
with two cats and a purple Smart Car.”
For more, visit the author's website.
For more, visit the author's website.
story is unique, she can not only read your mind she can see and read your
soul. She had been damned by the actions of others thousands of years ago and
the only reason Carrie wasn’t burning in Hell was that her ka, or life force,
was unable to separate from her body. Her soul had been sold to Lucifer, and he
is quite proud of his prize. After a several millennia Carrie finally finds a
soul pure enough to fight for. Sebastian is not seeking redemption; he sold his
soul for the greater good and is willing to pay the price. Carrie takes it upon
herself to find a way to renegotiate his contract with the demon Keziel. To do
this she must travel into the depths of hell and parley with the demons that
control its pathways. As the cost of her journey rises, Carrie must determine
how much she is willing to sacrifice to save one good soul.
Corrigan did an excellent job developing her characters and she has taken minor
liberties with some myths to make a more entertaining story, however she has
tried to keep historical accuracy. I believe she succeeded. Carrie’s story is
unique and I could appreciate how she lived her life. She has two long time
friends who check in with her, the first of these is the demon Bedlam. He truly
is chaos in the most fun way and he is not a bad guy. Here is the way she
describes their first meeting:
I detected neither the
sanctimoniousness of the angels nor the malicious cruelty of the demons.
Instead, I felt a spiral of rotating emotions that left me dizzy enough that I
had to put my hand against a stone pillar for a moment to steady myself… The
man’s current emotional state similarly seemed to lack any center, though it
cycled around guilt, confusion, anger, and a firm desire to be distracted from
those three emotions…
Bedlam says:
“Okay, so here’s my problem. You know how
sometimes you start doing something, and it seems like a good idea at the time,
but then suddenly there are dead bodies everywhere, and you’re not quite sure
how that happened?” …
I would
love to be able to share the story here, but Bedlam rambles, then continues
“Now, let me say right here that it
was all supposed to be a joke. I really didn’t expect them to take it quite so
literally. These were people who held on to their religion through generations
of persecution and slavery. And a gold cow? Their religious texts say that God
made them in His own image, so I thought they’d be pretty quick to dismiss that
one.” “Not so much?” I asked. He shook his head.
Through all
the years Bedlam has been a true friend to Carrie and has done everything in
his power to protect her. Her other true friend is the earth-bound angel
Gabriel who has stolen her heart, but he seems to love her no more than the
rest of mankind. The story is fast moving and highly entertaining with a lot of
thought provoking material. It was a fun roller coaster ride while it lasted. It
would be very interesting to see how this journey affects the rest of Carrie’s
Format/Typo Issues:
My review is based on an advance reader copy of this book, so
I’m unable to judge this area.
Rating: ***** Five stars
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Thanks for stopping by Ms. Corrigan and leaving link to your website. I will ask BigAl to include it under Author info in the review. Good luck with your blog tour.
always new things to find when I stumble over here BigAl! What a wonderful giveaway >^.^<
Thanks, Cunam
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