Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Reprise Review: Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition by K.S. Brooks

 Genre: Children’s Picture Book


“The adventurous Jack Russell Terrier, Mr. Pish, is back - this time to guide readers through portions of the southern and western United States in Postcards from Mr. Pish Volume 4. Each postcard Mr. Pish sends is filled with engaging text and full-color photographs designed to inspire both young and old to read, explore, and learn. As with all his books, history, geography, and more become inviting and fun - because of the charismatic traveling terrier!”


K.S. Brooks has written numerous books in multiple genres including romantic suspense, satire, and educationally oriented children’s books. She is administrator of Indies Unlimited (a multi-author blog “celebrating independent authors”), where you can often catch her pontificating on matters of interest to both readers and authors. For more, visit Brooks’ website.


Mr. Pish’s child-like enthusiasm is bound to capture any child’s imagination in this wonderful, educational series. What great fun it is to follow this bouncy terrier on his adventures as he teaches readers important and lesser-known facts about the places he visits. This book starts off in Georgia then heads west through Alabama, Mississippi, and north into Tennessee. As he heads into Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, he visits state parks and wildlife refuges while traveling on historic Route 66. There are fabulous pictures of rock formations and national parks through Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho. Finally, he winds up back home in the state of Washington.

Each page has several color pictures taken by Mr. Pish’s mom, K.S. Brooks. I should offer a warning that Mr. Pish’s joyful narration of his adventures will likely infect any reader with a travel bug.

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Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition is the fourth book in the Postcards from Mr. Pish Series, and the fifth book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series. Best viewed on a color e-reader.

Original review posted August 26, 2016.

Format/Typo Issues:


Rating: ***** Five Stars

Reviewed by: ?wazithnkin

Approximate word count: 26 pages

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