Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reprise Review: Blind Sight (The Celadon Circle) by Nicole Storey

Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/YA


“Jordan has visions of monsters, demons, and death. Seventeen, orphaned, and born into the family business, she doesn’t have friends, she doesn’t have choices. Her uncle, older brothers, and a few annoying angels dominate her life, demanding she tow their lines – and the punishment is severe when those lines are crossed... In a game between Good and Evil where God seems to have tapped out early, lines are blurred and not everything is as it seems.”


“Nicole Storey lives in the hot and humid part of Georgia with her husband, two amazing children, and plethora of pets. When she isn't traveling to magical realms with potty-mouthed pixies or fighting demons, she enjoys reading and reviewing books, blogging, and gardening.”

You can follow Ms. Storey at her website or find her on Facebook.


The Celedon Circle is a secret society of human demon slayers. Jordan is a seeker, born and raised to fight demons along with her family. Being a seeker makes her rare and highly valued for her visions of demon activity. The story starts with one of Jordan's visions of an unusually horrific monster which has been summoned in a small Tennessee town. Ms. Storey paints graphic pictures of the carnage this monster wreaks and the reader is grabbed by the throat and dragged into the story.

Other than her unique ability and special family circumstances, Jordan is more or less a typical teenager and her humanity is demonstrated throughout the book. With the story being told through Jordan's eyes we get to know her well along with her perspective of some not so good angels and not so bad demons. The lines between good and evil are blurred and the twists in this character-driven plot are startling. I also found all of the characters realistic and well developed, their dialogue was believable, and the relationships authentic. 

I have to confess I was held captive through the entire story. The Tennessee     story thread is tied up nicely at the end so there is not a cliffhanger ending. However, I can't wait to see how things develop as Jordan's world is turned upside down by an unexpected twist at the end. This could turn into a stellar series. If you are looking for a different sort of urban fantasy this may be a book you would enjoy.

Buy now from:            Amazon US        Amazon UK

FYI: Added for Reprise Review: Blind Sight by Nicole Storey was the Winner in the Fantasy category for 2014 Readers' Choice Awards at BigAl’s Books and Pals. Original review ran February 9, 2014.

Format/Typo Issues:

I found no significant issues.

Rating: ***** Five stars

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Approximate word count: 70-75,000 words

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